Now here’s a question

Cutting down the oldest rain forest of the world to make room for industrialisation, is it a good idea?

I’m surprised that Malaysia has decided to industrialised right now…  ‘we’ll plant some new trees along the road later’ (laughs) Thank you for the news BBC… the humanity goes crazy with every year.

And the funny thing is that 5 min ago the news on the ozone layer being really thin right now were aired.


Well, I’ve been thinking of writing down some amazing questions which crop up sometimes. here goes the first attempt:

1. Riding a scooter on the back tires – skill or stupidity?

2. Word-for-word slang translation – lack of knowledge or hoping that people are stupid?

3. Is a grandmother pushing you ’cause she wants to cross the road while it’s still red normal?

4. Why do people tell you they got the point, when even you didn’t get it yet?

5. If the narrator explains that the stated question is a rhetorical one, is it time to put away the book?

6. Since when did dressing with taste and dressing according to fashion trades become two different things?

I guess… that’s all for now 🙂 long boring questions of my life


Hey there!

Yesterday was a long long long long day. Two proms in a day is well…. quite a challenge! The first one was Lesha’s prom. For some inexplicable reason, the people who organized it said we need to be there at ten o’clock! I mean, come on! ,ten o’clock for a prom! ((( sleepy us woke up 20 minutes before we had to head out. A cup of coffee, the minimum shower program (the water was still cold after the pipe check), make up, dress, smoke, and we were ready to go.

So, we arrive… and guess what? it all starts at 11 o’clock! bummer… if you ask me, but, of course, no one did. Watching girls in dresses, and in… what seemed to be prolonged shirts rather than prom dresses we were sitting there ready to kill, well… I was, he meditated. An hour and a half of speaking, singing, diplomas, and so on…. I did manage to make him stay with his classmates for a couple of hours and drink some champaign. (May be that’s ’cause the guys drink vodka most of the time, but the got rather tipsy after a couple of glasses) And we were of, with an hour remaining to get us some food, eat, rest, and head out to the next prom.

The worst thing was that the weather changed form a nice summer-type cool to hot, with kinda soggy-type air, and windless. So, two people in a suit and an evening dress were eating kebabs  and drinking cola on while sitting on a side-way.

The next prom, apparently the masters and the bachelors graduated together…. sitting and waiting for our friend to get her diploma. One of the best humans, for whom I was ready to sit through the khmm khmm… ceremony. Afterwards we went on a boat trip, more champaign, food, fun… and than a cafe and some cider for me and beer for them. A fun day, with a lot of pictures.

We were tired, really, but the smile-and-wave formula helped to go through both of the proms without being to annoyed or angry. ))) I guess we did just fine. 😛