Cruel Spring!

Spring is trying to kill me! That’s what it does! Everywhere I look there are couples, happy couples walking, riding bicycles, waiting for each other. And some boys seem to be highly romantic!

I’m sitting at the bus stop and notice a boy with a bicycle standing there and smiling to himself, obviously very happy, and even more obvious – waiting for someone to come. While my trolleybus is 5 minutes late! I notice that he finally met up with his girlfriend. And suddenly he jumps up and tries to pull something of the roof of the bus stop – tadadada – he had some flowers stored there in order to surprise his girlfriend! And they happily walk on! She was surprised and glad etc

Well, I’m waiting , and the spring mobilises all the couples around me! HEH

6 thoughts on “Cruel Spring!

      1. Right, because that’s the only thing you think I’m good for…aww, I’m hurt… 😦

  1. Хель ЙЕА! я еще до нашего “встречи” тут постоянно наблюдал всякие влюбленные парочки и все такое… и фак ай уантед то килл дем со мач!

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